Whether you are a trainee, student or experienced professional: At Alpenhotel Ammerwald, we welcome passionate employees – with us, everyone has the opportunity to share their passion. Take a look around and discover the Alpenhotel Ammerwald as an employer.
Alpenhotel Ammerwald near Reutte in Tyrol, which belongs to BMW AG, is one of the top addresses for business stays and private holidays. The hotel has 93 guest rooms, eight seminar rooms, the À la Carte Restaurant Ammerwald with 70 seats, the Restaurant Plansee with buffet station and 120 to 160 seats, the Gamsbar with 80 seats, several outdoor areas with a total of 80 seats, a fitness area and an indoor swimming pool with sauna.
Alpenhotel Ammerwald is located just a few kilometres from the gloriously turquoise waters of Lake Plansee. Surrounded by the majestic peaks of the Ammergau Alps and the lush green of the mountain forest, it's not just our hotel guests who should feel at home here. Our new staff house offers every conceivable comfort to provide our employees with a cosy, comfortable and, above all, long-term home.